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In this page you can find and download most SecureCoin related software, block data and documentation files.

Official Securechain Wallet

Windows(10.7 MB)

Digital signature of securechain-wallet.exe

Securechain Wallet is the official SecureCoin wallet. It is compiled with the latest OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015, QT 5.5 and BOOST 1.58. For your convenience, the Securechain Wallet also supports getting address/transaction details from the Securechain block explorer by simply clicking new buttons in the main window.

  • Please ensure that the file "securechain-wallet.exe" extracted from the downloaded "" is digitally signed by "Open Source Developer, Haimin Zhang" as to the picture on the right side.
  • If Google Chrome gives a warning that " is not commonly downloaded and could be dangerous" when downloading, please ignore the warning and keep the file. This is because the number of file download has not reached Google's favor level. However the software is totally clean and digitally signed.
  • If Windows Smartscreen prevents the downloaded program from running, please click "More info", verify the publisher then click "Run Anyway".
  • We have fixed the "no connection" problem of Securechain Wallet for Windows by a patch. However you can still download the original version if preferred, but may need to follow the Getting Started section to add the nodes manually. We will try to give a complete solution in the next release.

For more information please visit the Securechain Wallet page.

Local download(recommended):


Local download(original version, unrecommended):

MAC(11.4 MB)

The Securechain Wallet for MAC OSX has the same features as to the original version for Windows. As the patch is not applied, there may be a "no connection" problem which can be solved by adding the nodes manually. For more information please refer to the description of Windows version.

The App package "Securechain" extracted from the downloaded "" is digitally signed by "Developer ID Application: Haimin Zhang (7M8FY5GHH7)". The following terminal command can be used for checking the signing information:

codesign -dvvv ./"Securechain"/

Local download:




Block Data

Please download both blocks and chainstate files. Extract both of them to Securecoin(Windows) or .securecoin(Linux) folder so that the folder structure would look like


Without Raw Transaction

Note: Please set or remove the following option in securecoin.conf file:


Updated on 2017-06-05 04:53:41

Last Block ID: 1560170

Blocks file (791 MB):

Blocks file MD5: e5e3435cf0ac7c4210d4b13f224f083a

Chainstate file (17.6 MB):

Chainstate file MD5: 280a352eceb356910379132c60cef3fb

With Raw Transaction

Note: Please set or add the following option to securecoin.conf file:


Updated on 2017-06-05 04:53:41

Last Block ID: 1560170

Blocks file (878 MB):

Blocks file MD5: 7ff0e4d29762e5a00c0ce29023e7fe27

Chainstate file (16.7 MB):

Chainstate file MD5: 54943b066196344b42c33123633303d6
